A safe space for smart women to heal shame & unblock desire.
Transformative coaching that combines science and psychology so you can easily rekindle desire & connect with your partner.
Do you love him, but don’t desire him anymore?
Do you feel pressure to have sex?
Do you feel broken for not wanting it as much as he does?
Trust me, all of this is 100% normal. Sadly, a dull sex life affects everything.
Thankfully, we can change this fast. You deserve and need great sex.
Research shows weekly sex reduces heart disease risk by 50%, adds 30% to your lifespan, cuts stress by 40%, and increases by 50% your chances to prevent divorce.
I’ll show you exactly how to dissolve your desire blocks…
…so you can crave sex with your partner, connect through pleasure, and finally feel free, feminine, & fulfilled.
Here’s how we can do this:
1. Try my work for free
Test out my methods and values by exploring my free resources. Soon, you’ll see sex differently and feel desire emerge again.
When you’re ready to fully clear your desire blocks and rekindle your sex life with your partner, this action-oriented course will show you exactly what to do.
3. Apply for coaching
If you want results now and are ready to dive deep and want support to have the best sex of your life, I’ll be honored to be your guide. Please answer a few questions so I can make sure I’m the right coach for you.
"Thank you, we feel more desire than when we started to date, which is crazy. We got our fire back and are ready to make that baby!"
Private Client, CEO, Canada
"I feel so free in bed now, not ashamed of my body. I let myself be seen, receive his attention, feel pleasure, it's amazing. Thank you Aude!!"
Private Client, Coach, UK
"You truly have a gift to spark people's sexual energy. Since our session, my partner and I feel so turned on, and we're having the best sex we've ever had."
Private Client, CEO, USA
You’re in the right place if:
You’re action-oriented and intellectual.
You may not look like it but… deep down, you’re wild and sexual.
You want it all, great sex included.
Yes, YOU deserve 5-star intimacy.
Bonjour, beautiful. Here’s why I do this work:
I’m an Intimacy Coach because, for most of my life, sex was a source of shame, insecurity, and pressure, and now, it’s my greatest treasure.
As a young tech CEO, I was trained to live from my head and didn’t know how to let go.
In long-term relationships, I struggled to maintain desire and felt terrified to share my fantasies. No matter how much money I made, I felt a void only love could fill.
Good news: I learned and designed ways for driven overthinkers like me to become super orgasmic and confident in bed.
I master the ways of sexual energy and can help you design your best sex life. I’m in a powerful partnership with my best friend and lover, sharing quality intimacy, even though we’re super busy.
If you’re ready to reach the last frontier of freedom and success and value sex, I’d love to be your guide.