Fulfill your deepest desires & experience bliss with your man in 6 weeks only.
Thanks to a 6-step proven process for strong women to rapidly unblock desire, orgasm often, and turn bored busy partners into connected lovers again.
Do you struggle to get wet?
Do you feel shame for your body and fantasies?
Do you ever pressure yourself to have sex?
Do you both touch your phone more than each other?
If so, you’re not alone, and I promise, you’re normal. I too was there like most women…
That being said…
…you’ve been a good girl, and you deserve mind-bending, toe-twirling pleasure.
Good news! I have the 6 keys for you to get it, fast, without wasting time in therapy. It’s time to stop thinking and talking about sex and get into action.
Once your desire is unblocked, you’ll…
feel hot desire for your partner
orgasm easily, even with your clothes on
glow and look younger
feel connected, cherished, and feminine.
Yup, good sex changes everything… Because it clears all the built-up tension and connects you deeply…
Desire Decoded will work BEST for you if:
You’re a strong and smart woman who loves action and results
You’re a leader at work but wish to surrender and feel feminine in bed
You have time for self-care and no young children
You may feel disconnected and wonder if your partner is right for you
You know you deserve better and want 5-star intimacy!
It’s not about sex
It’s about your aliveness. Sexual energy is life force energy. You can use it to make babies, books, businesses, etc., and sometimes, for sex.
When you orgasm, you glow, lose weight, and feel calm, confident, and creative (thanks to reduced cortisol). You become irresistible.
But when you don’t, you feel off, heavy, and irritable, you eat more than you should and feel anxious and depressed.
Once you apply the Desire Decoded framework, everything will shift. You’ll feel vibrant and in love, fight less, laugh more, and be yourself.
Finally, what’s erotic is often forbidden, so what turns you on probably makes you feel shame. Shame sucks your power away. And so to embrace what turns you on is vital for you to feel whole (and fill holes).
This is the way, and it’s more fun together.
Go from dry to wet, from bored to fulfilled in bed.
Imagine never feeling broken or ashamed for not feeling it, but knowing exactly why desire goes in waves and how to boost it so you and your partner can feel connected, satisfied, and energized by the best sex of your life.
What you get:
8 group coaching calls over 3 months
A private group text to share, overcome shame, and support each other
120 pages book
7 engaging HD videos with +3 hrs of rich content
$10k worth of essential sexual teachings from the world’s top teachers
Fun and easy homeplay exercises
The Desire Decoded Experience
First, you’ll rewire your daily habits to unlock more energy, confidence, and sensuality effortlessly. By optimizing your routines, mindset, and environment, you’ll feel radiant, magnetic, and deeply connected to your body—laying the foundation for lasting transformation.
Then, you’ll boost your health and confidence to unblock your body's sexual energy and feel desire rise again. You’ll also learn about hormones, shed body shame, and gain life-changing tools to feel extra vibrant and beautiful.
Letting go of past hurt is essential to be present and fully open your heart and body. We’ll embark on life-changing exercises to clear and reset your emotional bond so that desire can flow, naturally.
We’ll go explore your beliefs, desires, kinks, fantasies, and get curious and excited instead of hiding behind shame.
Until then, the work is focused on you, but now it’ll be time to explore with your partner and safely play out your fantasy, explore polarity, and reset your sex life with your rekindled desire.
Interested in play parties and role play as a way to keep growing? I got some juicy ideas for you to keep the fire going.
Early Bird Bonuses - $650 in gifts.
10 Scripted Roleplay Scenes
Roleplay is extremely powerful, but how do you do it?! Easy! You read the scripts and let them playfully guide you. You get 10 super hot Dom-Sub scenarios to surrender to your man, or Doctor, Boss, or Daddy…
Hormone Boosting System
Get the master spreadsheet & calendar syncing system to supercharge your sex hormones and libido, naturally. You can’t want sex if your hormones are off, this is KEY. Working with your body changes the game.
Erotic Guided Meditation
Sexual energy flows freely once you clear old blocks and shame. Let my voice guide you through powerful shifts and somatic releases to accelerate your liberation and soon feel turned on.
Desire Decoded - The Book
The full desire blueprint with incredibly clear, accessible, fun tools and practices for you to unblock desire and access pleasure.
25 Kinks & Fantasies
To get what you want, you must first know what you want. Go through the list together, and listen to your body.
Dirty Talk Guide
Get fun and easy inspiration to use the power of words to spice up your sex life. See it as theater, but for pleasure!
First Movers Offer
or 3 payments of $197
6 Live Group Calls to connect with like-minded women and liberate yourself, on Zoom, every Tuesday 12 pm EST with recordings after
Access to the self-study course, +3 hours of HD engaging videos with clear exercises.
Bonuses: Dirty Talk Guide, Roleplay Scripts, Hormonal Boost Guide, Erotic Energy Clearing Guided Meditation, 25 Kinks & Fantasies, etc.
The Desire Decoded Book - 120 pages of actionable, science-based insights, tools, and practices.
Success Stories From Women Like You
You deserve ALL that you desire darling, even those BIG, deep, and dirty dreams.
Desire is the door to pleasure, and pleasure lowers stress and boosts every part of you.
Once you decode your desire,
you’ll truly feel fulfilled.
Absolutely. In fact, I often find the best time to do the work is when we have time with ourselves so we’re ready for love when it comes. That’s what I did before meeting my soulmate.
You know, your mind will always resist change and tell you it’s not time for x and y. Change is scary, and we’re often busy. Thankfully, you can access the recordings at any time, go at your pace, and access for a lifetime. It’s for you to decide if love and intimacy are worth your time.
I’m sorry you do, and am proud of you for taking steps to grow. I always recommend working with a healthcare professional to address deep trauma. That being said, the tools you’ll get here will help you heal and shift your perspective of yourself and sex.
This course blends science-backed techniques with sensual exploration, nothing too esoteric, nothing too graphic. It’s about understanding your body, rewiring limiting beliefs, and unlocking deeper pleasure in a way that feels natural and comfortable for you. You choose what resonates and let go of the rest. You’re always in control!
My Desire Story:
In every long-term relationship I’ve been in, my overthinking, anxious self got turned off and repulsed, even if I loved them.
Having the same kind of sex again and again sucks. We worked a lot and just felt too tired for it. I often escaped to my fantasies and felt ashamed for it. I felt disconnected from myself and my partner and pressured to give sex to get love. So sad!
My pain and confusion led me to study everything about sex, from the sacredness to the science of it.
Desire Decoded synthesizes 12 years of devotional practice, deep study, coaching, and training with the world’s best into one smart and simple framework to go from dry and closed off to wet and open, so you and your partner can both love sex and feel connected.
These techniques have worked on thousands of lovers. In fact, I can even orgasm with my clothes on and feel liberated. I embrace my fantasies, and we feel so connected.
I created this program for you, the smart and strong woman who’s ready to heal with pleasure, with her partner, and soon, hot lover. Now, you get to have it all.
What matters most to you?
If desire is dead and libido is low, you can just push it off, forget about it, and keep working and scrolling and just accept that well, sex isn’t that important. The problem is that your relationship needs it, and that your heart, mind, and body are designed for pleasure, and that it all starts with desire. Desire leads to arousal, arousal is your “erection”, and without that, you’ll never know how good sex can actually be. You have this huge gift right there between your legs, begging to be open, and once it is, it’s there for you, forever. Life is too short for being bitter roommates. Roll up your sleeves, pull up your skirt, and let’s get to work. I’ll give you the very best sex lessons so you never feel bored in bed. You’re in good hands, and I’ll take you there.